In this blog post, we will discuss how to install Magento 2.4 with the Command line. So let’s get started.
Magento 2.4 is the newest Magento Version. It is quicker and better than the previous versions.
In this update, few new features like elastic search as the default catalog search engine, and inbuilt lazy loading image function have been released.
However, there are also a few features that Magento has removed from the core code. Such as third party payment gateways(PayPal, Stripe, CCAvenue, 2CheckOut,, Bluesnap)
As Setup-Wizard has been removed from version 2.4, one has to install the Magento 2.4 through the command line method or CLI.
Installing Magento 2.4 with CLI
For successful installation you need to follow below steps:
Step 1: Log in to Magento Servers
You either require permission to write to the Magento file System or need access to the account with such permissions.
Bash Shell users can use the below syntax to shift to the Magento file system owner and enter the commands at the same time.
su (Magento file system owner) -s /bin/bash -c (command)
use the below command in case you do not have the Magento file system owner logins::
sudo -u (Magento file system owner) (command)
To execute Magento commands from any directory, add <magento_ root>/bin to your system PATH
Step 2: Helpful Magento Commands
To obtain the full list of commands, enter the below command:
bin/magento list
To get the help for a specific commands, enter the below command:
bin/magento help (command)
Step 3: Install the Magento Software from the Command Line Interface
magento setup:install --<option>=<value> ... ---<option>=<value>
Admin Credentials:
The below table displays the user information and credentials for the Magento admin user.
Name | Value | Required? |
-admin-firstname | Magento administrator user’s first name. | Yes |
–admin-lastname | Magento administrator user’s last name. | Yes |
–admin-email | Magento administrator user’s e-mail address. | Yes |
–admin-user | Magento administrator username. | Yes |
–admin-password | Magento administrator user password. | Yes |
Step 4: Verify the Installation
Verify the storefront
Open any browser and go to the storefront. Type and enter your Magento store URL.
Let’s say for example your Magento Store URL is
And your Admin URL is: admin_10GB hosting
Then put in the browser: hosting
You can edit / modify, or allot the Admin URL from backend-frontname installation parameter.
A box will pop up that will ask for your login credentials. Enter the username and password of yours, and you will see dashboard opening up.
After you have done the above steps successfully, your store is ready
As you read above, the latest version of Magento viz Magento 2.4 has removed the setup wizard. This post may help you in installing Magento2.4 with a command-line interface. Additionally, at 10GB Hosting, you can look for Managed VPS Hosting for lightning-fast speed with High-speed SSD, 99.9% uptime & 24/7 managed live support.