How Email Hosting Works and Why do We Require It

How Email Hosting Works

In the modern-day world where businesses are actively using emails to market their services or products online, we must understand how email hosting works and the importance of a business email for any business.

Before delving deep into our article, let us first understand what email hosting is!

What is Email Hosting?

In layman’s terms, email hosting is a service offered by a premium hosting provider that allows you to store, send and receive emails from or to your server. Unlike free email service providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc., email hosting allows you to pick a professional email address based on your domain name.

For example, if you have a website named, you can set up a professional business email like [email protected].

Email hosting service has the following benefits:

  • It helps in building a brand identity
  • Business scalability is improved
  • Offers reliability and advanced email protection through different integration tools

Now, as you have learned what email hosting is, let us see how email hosting works.

How Email Hosting Works

When you opt for email hosting, you not only receive a server to host your emails but also a solution that can help scale your business. But, you may be wondering what solution does email hosting offer?

The solutions offered by your host but not limited to; secure authentication of emails, re-routing and replicating of your emails, and user domain name management.

To ensure that an email reaches its destination without interruption, it is routed among two servers. One server is a trusted link between your email server and the receiver’s email server. The re-routing of emails amongst the server helps minimize spam and data breaches. Hence, it would be best to go for a professional email hosting provider that offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee and 24/7 customer support.

Having understood how email hosting works, let’s understand the importance of email hosting for businesses

Why Does Your Business Need an Email Hosting?

Before opting for an email hosting service, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • How can business email help build brand identity?
  • Does the host offer better security with its plans?

In this digital era, building a powerful brand identity is highly crucial. You can create an impact that allows your clients to trust your brand and adapt it through email hosting.

A business marketing with a business email can impact more audience than the business that uses,, or so emails to market.

Furthermore, most email hosting providers offer email encryption that ensures that every data transmitted using emails stays protected and no third party can read the content of the mail.

Professional Email Hosting Creates Impact

Email hosting ensures secure and reliable communication at all times. Regardless of wherever you are on the earth, you can converse with your clients, staff, or any professional network without any fear.

Last but not least, email hosting helps in creating a great first impression that lasts long.

Also Read: Why do businesses use the .biz domain?


We hope you liked our article on how email hosting works. Additionally, you can check out our professional email hosting plans for your business website.