Some Best Open Source Control Panels For Servers

Control Panels

You may be aware of the fact that it is challenging to handle several websites without the help of the control panel.  Currently, several web hosting control panels are accessible for hosting various websites on Dedicated Servers and VPS (Virtual Private Servers).

You can utilize such open-source hosting panels to ease the method of managing servers. Handling these hosting panels do not need expert knowledge of server control. Now let us view a few best open-source control panel for Linux and other servers:

Best Open Source Control Panels for Servers


Released under the GPLv3 license. Hence you can utilize the panel for no cost and additionally receive free upgrades. Sentora is modular. Hence you can take advantage of its power to develop a simplistic module system that allows you to prolong functionality. This “free-to-download” web hosting control panel is built for Linux, UNIX, and BSD based servers or computers.

This can be utilized to turn a domestic or commercial server into a comprehensive, simple to use, and adaptable web-hosting server. Written in PHP, Sentora uses several other GNU and open-source software packages. Some of these software packages incorporate Apache HTTPd, PHP, Dovecot, Postfix, PROFTPd, and MariaDB, merely to mention a few.


ISPConfig is an open-source and multilingual (supports multiple languages) control panel. It enables you to handle various servers under one control panel. Licensed under the BSD license, it additionally handles FTP, SQL, BIND, DNS, Database, and Virtual servers. With ISPConfig, you can efficiently handle more than one server from one control panel with the help of an uncomplicated web-interface for admin, reseller, and client login.

Additionally, ISPConfig makes it very easy to operate web servers such as Apache and Nginx. It is also feasible to handle email and FTP servers besides configuration mirroring and clusters.


Ajenti is an open-source feature-rich as well as a powerful yet lightweight control panel. It gives a responsive web interface for handling small server setups. It is likewise the best fit for dedicated as well as VPS hosting. Ajenti is accessible beside several built-in pre-made plugins that configure as well as manage server software and services. Ajenti is one of the best control panels that people use to manage their servers. It brings in with loads of plugins for system and software configuration, monitoring, and management.

Additionally, it does not break your system configuration. Alternatively, Ajenti stores the configuration structure and comments. The main highlight of Ajenti is that it is extendable using python. Plugin development is also quick and amusing with rich APIs.


Out of all the control panels, this is one of the advanced and open web control panels for Red Hat as well as CentOS distribution. It is accessible in two types described as Kloxo HostInABox, a full web-hosting platform, and Kloxo EnterPrise, which is a distributed hosting platform. With the capability to observe, discover, and handle your whole hosting and each domain from just a page, it can additionally support apache/Lighttpd, djbdns/bind, and pure-ftpd.


CentOS web panel is the best control panel from our list of control panels. It is a free web hosting control, which can be used to manage multiple servers effortlessly CentOS can be utilized for Dedicated servers as well as Managed VPS servers. With this versatile web panel, there is no requirement to access SSH for each and every minute task that needs to be accomplished. This feature-rich control panel includes many versatile features like Apache Web Server along with PHP and a PHP switcher. It additionally incorporates MySQL along with phpMyAdmin and Config Server Firewall. Other features incorporate live monitoring, CPanel account migration, and Free DNS Server.

Along with a simple user management interface, you receive a file system lock wherein all your files are locked to restrict website hacking. It additionally features options like varnish cache server and Apache redirects manager. CentOS web panel compiles the PHP from source and enhances up to 20% performances. You additionally get postfix and dovecote with Roundcube webmail.


The list mentioned above is simply an indication of the popularity of open-source control panels for servers. The list can extend more but for now, we have restricted to five.

Unmanaged VPS Hosting

Moreover, at 10GB Hosting you can opt for Linux Hosting Plans that includes cPanel.